The Rector’s Committee for Social Responsibility

The Rector’s Committee for Social Responsibility of the Warsaw University of Technology was established by Decision No. 311 /2021 of the Rector of Warsaw University of Technology on November 2, 2021. 

The tasks of the Committee for Social Responsibility of the Warsaw University of Technology include, in particular:

  1. Overseeing and implementing the social responsibility strategy of Warsaw University of Technology.
  2. Updating the social responsibility strategy of Warsaw University of Technology.
  3. Initiating and coordinating activities related to the social responsibility of Warsaw University of Technology and sustainable development.
  4. Monitoring actions and collecting best practices related to the social responsibility of Warsaw University of Technology and sustainable development.
  5. Reporting on social responsibility and sustainable development.
  6. Presenting an annual report to the Rector by the end of January on the Committee's activities for the previous year.
  7. Preparing reports for external institutions in accordance with the obligations of Warsaw University of Technology.
  8. Conducting promotional and informational activities related to the social responsibility of Warsaw University of Technology and sustainable development.
  9. Collaborating with all stakeholders of Warsaw University of Technology in the field of social responsibility and sustainable development.
  10. Providing opinions, at the request of the Rector, on internal legal acts related to social responsibility and sustainable development.
  11. Strengthening the values of Warsaw University of Technology as an institution involved in voluntarily undertaken actions for the social environment, promoting employee volunteering, supporting the social engagement of students, initiating and promoting all forms of social assistance for stakeholders of Warsaw University of Technology, and caring for the natural environment.
  12. Integrating the academic community (teaching staff, students, graduates, administrative staff, and university authorities) around shared values and goals of the social responsibility strategy of Warsaw University of Technology.